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Products for organic farming
Washington State Department Of Agriculture
Description : fertilizante a base de pescado
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Non-alcoholic beverages (water, fruit, vegetable juice)
Description : Agave Syrup
Transformed from Inulin, Agave syrup is 1.4 times sweeter than refined sugar but does not stimulate digestinve insulin secretion as do other sweetners. Standard and Premium grades.

Perfect substitute for sugar
100% raw organic
Recommended for diabetics
Lowest glycemic index sweetener
Raw materials & supplements
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Other raw materials & supplements
Description : Extracted from 100% Organic Blue Weber Agave. Agave, known throughout the world as the source of Tequila and naturally low-glycemic index sweeteners is also a source for Inulin. Inulin is a "Super Fiber" that has a neutral, clean flavor and a multitude of functional and nutritional properties which may be used to formulate innovative, healthy foods for today's consumers.

Powdered and Liquid forms

Prebiotic and Bifidus promotor
Aids in all food products
Neutral, clean flavor
Improves texture and mouth-feel of low-fat foods
Enhances calcium absorption
Reduces caloric content in foodstuffs
Can be incorporated into low glycemic food for sustained energy release
Promotes weight loss

Baked Goods
Dairy Products
Powder Blends and Supplements
Dietetic & health foods
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Other dietetic & health foods
Description : Organic agave.
Sugar & honey products
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Other sugar & honey products
Description : Organic agave. Relationship is with the manufacturer directly.
Cereals & derived products
Oilseeds (rape, sunflower, soy, sesame, peas, bean
Description : Peas, beans, lentils, sunflower, sesame, and flax seeds.
Products for organic farming
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Other products for organic farming
Description : Organic soil supplements and fertilizers.
Oils for cooking & dressing
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Other oils for cooking & dressing
Description : Organic, non-GMO and regular cooking oils and shortenings. Soybean, rapeseed, cottonseed, sunflower.
Bread, confectionery & chocolate
Quality Assurance International (qai)
Bread, bakery products
Description : Bakery ingredients.
Cereals & derived products
Letis S.a.
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : We are located in the city of Pergamino, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, an agricultural and cattle-farming region par excellence, with nearby ports and airports.
We manufacture, in Argentina and in Brazil, these products :
A ) Organic Dust Soybean Milk, in 20 Kg bags.
B ) White Corn in bags of 25 Kg and 50 Kgs only
C ) Corn Flour (red) in 25/50 Kg bags only
D ) Sunflower and Soya Oil, in 1 -2 -3 -5 -10 -20 Lts pets- Refinate /
E ) Soya Flour, 20 Kg bags ( for bakery)
F ) Soya Lecitin
G ) White or Red Corn Flour in bags of 25 / 50 Kgs
H ) Wheat Flour, in 50 Kg bags only
I ) Crude Soybean Oil. for Biodisel in Bulk.
J ) Spanish Pardina Lentils,
K ) Whole Green Peas IFQ- in 1-3-5- Kgs
M ) Soya in grains type 1 in bulk bags of 25/50 kgs.
N ) Organic soybean in grains type 2 no gmo. in bulk or bags of 25/ 50 kgs.
O ) Starch Corn in bag 25 Kgs
Alcoholic beverages (aperitifs, beer, cider, champagne)
Description : Organic & Biodynamic Wines and Spirits
Fruit & vegetables
Control Union
Other fruit & vegetables
Description : Calificada por la NASA como cultivo CELLSS (Sistema Ecológico de Apoyo de Vida Controlado: la planta remueve el dióxido de carbono de la atmósfera y, al mismo tiempo, genera alimentos, oxígeno y agua para los astronautas).Leer mas
Cereals & derived products
Control Union
Description : Los componentes de Quinua Forte pueden comercializarse por separado. Tenemos certificación de maca y quinua.
Cereals & derived products
Control Union
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Es una mezcla de alimentos funcionales presentado en harina gelatinizada de: quinua, maca, kiwicha, soja, cacao, cañihua. Lo que le confiere al producto características nutracéuticas.
Cereals & derived products
Cereals (wheat, corn, barley, spelt wheat)
Description : Buying Demeter grains in France and other countries.
Quality control of all our products.
Full lorry loads or big-bags.
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